Berkley Boards & Commissions

Parks and Recreation Advisory Board

What Is the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board?

The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board provides advice and leadership as it considers park and recreational needs of Berkley residents and provides insight, for city leaders, in the areas of public interest and costs related to leisure services and facilities.


Who we are:

Seven Parks & Recreation Advisory Board members are appointed by the City Council to serve a three-year term. 

Andrew Boring

Term Expires July 2026

Melissa Hammond

Term Expires July 2026

Mike Kerby (Chairperson)

Term Expires July 2027

John Nicolai

Term Expires July 2026

Daniel Terbrack

Term Expires July 2026

James Otto (Vice-Chair)

Term Expires July 2027

Betty Smith

Term Expires July 2026

Council Liaison: Ross Gavin
Staff Liaison: Dan McMinn

When Can You Attend a Meeting?

Meeting Time: 7:00 PM
Meeting Location: Community Center, 2400 Robina Avenue

Meeting Time:


2025 Meeting Dates:

February 13
April 10
June 12
August 7
October 9
December 11


Community Center, 2400 Robina Avenue

All board meetings are open to members of the public to attend.

Questions or comments for the board can be directed to Parks & Recreation Superintendent Dan McMinn at or 248-658-3470.

Meeting Agendas

& Minutes

Below you will find agendas and minutes for the Tree Board meetings from January 2020 -present. If you are looking for an agenda or minutes from a specific meeting not listed below, please call the City Clerk’s Office at 248.658.3310.

Tree Board meetings are held on the 4th Monday of the month in the 2nd Floor Public Safety Conference Room, 2395 Twelve Mile Road

All meetings are open to the public, but are not recorded or televised live on WBRK or YouTube.


February 13



June 8 



February 11

April 8

June 10

August 12



Enabling legislation for the Parks and Rec Advisory Board